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Pathologist > Putrefactive and Cadaverous Odes About Necroticism > Reviews
Pathologist - Putrefactive and Cadaverous Odes About Necroticism

Odes About Reek of Putrefaction - 77%

Hames_Jetfield, January 16th, 2024

It has been mentioned in my reviews several times that the Czech Republic is a wonderful and unique country when it comes to extreme music. It's no different in their case when it comes to goregrind, where there were gems like today's heroes of review - Pathologist. However, the start of these guys dates back to 1989, even before several groundbreaking albums from the well-known Liverpool band were released. When the Czechs officially debuted in 1992 with a full-length album with the eloquent title "Putrefactive And Cadaverous Odes About Necroticism", the situation changed, but not to the detriment of our interested band. Because although there is generally very little discussions about Pathologist's debut (if at all, actually), it's definitely a portion of goregrind worth recommending.

Typically, as is often the case with goregrind releases, this type of albums do not belong to the category of albums about which you should expect extensive descriptions and analysis of each track. At the "Putrefactive And Cadaverous Odes About Necroticism" time, the Czechs set their main goal to combine the best (?) patterns from "Reek Of Putrefaction", the clearer influences and heaviness from "Symphonies Of Sickness" and they decorated everything with guttural vocals that would fit to Demilich sound. Well, since Pathologist's debut was released in 1992, many of these similarities, which are of course no objection, are quite coincidence of cases. I assume that the Czechs simply wanted to make their vision of goregrind even uglier, muddy and pathological (sic!) than the one from Carcass' debut. The effect was satisfactory by combining the above-mentioned features, examples of which can be found in "Reek With Suppuration", "Decomposition Of Corpses", "Carcass Dismemberment", "Vomitory Corporal Dysfunction" or the best tension-building "Open The Dissection Ward". Although there is no major surprise in this combination (unlike on their next album), as the biggest wow here is only by the mentioned gurgling vocals of Martin Cvilink, but mostly the whole album is very good to listen to and there is no copying from an obvious inspiration. Pathologist know their moderation.

Thus, if you are looking for sounds similar to the first two Carcass albums, and the development presented by this group on "Necroticism - Descanting The Insalubrious" and further still does not convince you, the Pathologist's debut will certainly fulfill its purpose. The group from Ostrava made a great reference to the times of "Reek..." and "Symphonies...", and at the same time developed this style with an even greater patho-climate (!) and added crushing, low vocals. Well, if that's not enough of a recommendation, I recommend to you their next album.

Originally on A bit of metal