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Vanishing Point > Embrace the Silence > Reviews
Vanishing Point - Embrace the Silence

Crap - 40%

MasterRocking, February 5th, 2007

I don't want to write a review in which I flame the people who reviewed this album before me. But frankly I’m struggling to believe some of the stuff the two people above me said. This album in NO way reminds me of Iron Maiden. Yes, it does have an epic sound... but it sounds nothing like Iron Maiden. The sound of the album is a mixture of fairly simple rhythm guitar work, some melodic lead guitar sections, fitting guitar solos which don't really go over the top but simply do their job well, atmospheric and, at points, over done keyboards and vocals which would more appropriately be classified as "emo" if the singer didn't have a clear "power metal" sounding voice.

The album starts off very well. I can honestly say that the first song was very enjoyable. It's basically a great seven minute heavy power metal song great rhythm, keyboards and vocals. Unfortunately, as the album goes on it turns into a more boring, repetitive emotional crap-fest. There are too many ballads and soft sections with incredibly annoying whining from the singer and in these same sections you can easily forget that the album is supposed to be metal since you have nothing but annoying piano sections for long periods of time. As the album drags on, the good rhythm riffs and melodic leads become few and far between. Worse yet, at around the 9th to 10th track mark I could swear I was listening to Bon Jovi! And not the 80's Bon Jovi who could call himself a rock artist, I mean the Bon Jovi of today who produces some of the worst music imaginable.

The album is very emotional. So if you like the so-called "emo" music but you want a really crappy epic-power metal feel to it (which completely disappears from the album after about the half-way mark) then you'll like this album... you will surely cry along to it. Or if you're more like me then you'll surely cry along with the music once you've realized that you wasted your money on this album and there's still 45 minutes to go! Yes! That's right! The album goes for about 80 minutes! If this album had stopped about half way through then right now I would probably be giving it about 75% for innovation and a fresh sound... but since the members of this band decided to just throw whatever other garbage they could think up to give the fans an extra 40 minutes of pure crap, well, I think that's a great reason for slicing the overall rating down to 40%. The reason it's 40% and not any lower is this: The album starts very well. Vanishing Point do have a very fresh and unique sound. Not like Iron Maiden, like the first two reviews said, but that doesn't matter! Iron Maiden are legends but they're not the be-all-and-end-all of metal! No need to compare everything to them!

The first half of the album is quiet enjoyable. Not really outstanding or anything, but certainly enjoyable and not vomit-inducing. But like I’ve said, the album gets progressively more and more boring, less and less metal, more and more whiny and in general crapper and crapper. I know some people will read this and think that I'm an idiot because I can't stand to listen to an 80 minute long album. That's not true. I don't care how long or short and album or individual song is. But for an album to be good it must be good OVERALL as an album. It can't just be a few good songs and a bunch of crap, which is what this record is. And when I say a few good songs... I mean about 2 or 3 out of the 13!

In conclusion, do yourself a favor and give this album a miss. It's pure garbage.

Outstanding Melodic Metal. - 96%

Wahnsinn, June 24th, 2005

This album is fuckin' incredible man. That's all that needs to be said, but obviously that won't convince you to purchase it immediately (which is for your own good, I assure you) so more needs to be said here.

Heavy Metal. This is a genre almost classified dead by most, with references made to bands like Manowar, Iron Maiden, and Judas Priest all too often. Please, PLEASE add Vanishing Point to that list. Yes, they are truly competitors for these fantastic bands. Deep shit huh?

VP's sound is a somewhat more epic Iron Maiden type sound. I would NOT by any means classify this album as a power metal album, because quite frankly it is not. It's got a positive vibe like power metal, it's ''happy music'' like power metal is, but it's lacking the cheese and the lyrics about dragons and such. The vocals are not as high pitched or as abusive of vibrato, and there's no excessive use of double kicks or 'national anthem' based music (See: Heart Of A Dragon by Dragonforce).

The guitarwork on this album is not overly complicated, but it's amazing nonetheless, usually based on epic power metal leads backed by keyboards and the occasional rhythm chord. That's how it is at first, but because of VP's lovely build-up effect on many songs, diversity, and technicality, that probably won't be the case for long.

The technicality and riffage on this album is a damn force to be reckoned with, particulary the diversity and quantity (I hate not to include quality but the truth is the riffs here are nothing new.)

Just listen to Season Of Sundays, opens up with a sexy lead, followed by another sexy lead, then finally an almost goose-bumps like riff that leads into the vocals. The first 'verse' is sort of slow and soft, with keyboards and acoustic chords, then explodes into a riff-backed epic assed chorus (and a brand new riff for the following verse, which is now more heavy than the previous only acoustic verse). After this second verse, is of course, the amazing guitar solo, another chorus, and an outro reminiscent of the intro.

Want an all-out rocker? Listen to 'If Only I'. This song starts heavy, stays heavy, and ends heavy. It's got the same kind of heaviness as power metal, but it's missing something.. oh yeah, the fucking overly used national anthem type theme associated with all too many power bands (guess it's because they're Australian.)

Wan't a ballad? As I Reflect is a truly beautiful ballad. Now I will be honest, usually power metal / heavy metal ballads make me cringe (usually because of that god damn national anthem type vibe most of them give). This one is truly fantastic, piano, violins, beautiful vocals, this one has it all. A masterpiece.

Speakin of pianos, if you love them, check out the intro to Reason. Orgasmic piano intro. Gets me every time.

Yes, you should definately get this album if you consider yourself a metalhead. Fuck, I'm a brutal death Cryptopsy loving metalhead and this album floored me.

Beautiful, Epic, Powerful, Not Cheesy, Not Lame, Heavy, Technical, Brilliant, a fucking masterpiece.

Holy shit! - 100%

KerryMustaine, May 25th, 2005

This is one of the best melodic power metal type albums I have ever heard.. if not THE best! Fuck man.. this album just proves why I'm so god damn obsessed with the Australian metal scene! It's brilliant and diverse! This album is just majestic / epic / all those other adjectives used to describe the best of the best in melodic metal.

Why haven't I just called it Power Metal yet? Well.. it's not nearly as cheesy.. in fact it isn't cheesy at all, Power Metal often has far too annoying vocals.. that won't be found here. This is basically Power Metal but take away all the things fans of other metal diss it about.. put it in a box.. set that god damn box on fire and piss on the ashes.

Where to start with what makes this album so fucking good? Well.. for one.. it's REAL metal! It's not the heaviest metal out.. but who gives a shit? The melodies are very unique.. the songs are easy to tell apart, it would've taken true assed talent to write / play these songs.. they don't underdo or overdo anything.. the vocals are like power metal.. but just imagine BALLS behind them (hard to imagine? listen to vanishing point)

This album to me is what Iron Maiden should have released instead of dance of death.. minus Dickinson's vocals (I like the vocals on this record better.. don't get me wrong man Dickinson is a singing motherfucker but his voice can annoy me)

Best of all.. the solo's aren't shred fests. Remember back in the day when guitar players would play a solo to fit and add to the song? Not show everyone how good they are? This album has exactly that.

I'm so fucking psyched over this album man.. I can't even describe what's so damn good about it.. but let me put it this way. Avantasia.. Stratovarius.. Gamma Ray.. Hammerfall.. take a whiff of this and they all instantly suck. These guys make the aforementioned bands seem like amateurs that have NO idea what they are up to.

Best release of 2005? Fuck yeah! Best release since the 90's? Fuck yeah! Best band in Metal right now?

Yes. Get this fucking album right away.. even if you're a death metal fanatic you will be converted.

Final Comment: Blown the fuck away.