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Wait a minute, this band isn't a joke? - 10%

Walrus, July 4th, 2009

I came across this band a long time ago, before I liked Black Metal, and before I knew of the Archives. I took one listen and laughed. I came back to it later on, when I had become a fan of Black Metal, and I sat there with a blank face, asking myself why anyone would listen to this, and why it was so terrible and unoriginal.

I'll admit that if the lyrics had some work done on them and the vocalist stopped whispering, this album and band might not suck. But it's all just horribly put together, as well. Just looking at the logo should tell you that! It looks like it was put together on fucking MS Paint, for god sakes.

The other instruments are played well, rather simplistic, but not that bad at all. This is really the only place this album gets any points. I love the riff on "Burn The Nations Of Islam". I can't even TYPE their song names with a straight face.

The lyrics sound like they were thrown together in a matter of minutes, by searching Google for offensive phrases. I mean, just listen to the thought put into "Jesus Christ and the Christian Church". A three year old could think that up. There really is no thought put into them, hell, I could probably write a Taghut song in an hour.

If these guys were a joke band, who were perhaps mocking the other Anti-Islam and Anti-Religion in general Black Metal bands, I assure you my rating would have been 80/100, because this release is fucking hilarious.

Wanted: Originality and a new vocalist! - 30%

sophia_fred, February 14th, 2009

Imagine the vocals of Secrets of the Moon tacked onto Immortal's Call of the Wintermoon with some Carpathian Forest thrown in for good measure and you'll be somewhere close to how Taghut sounds. Unfortunately for Taghut, and my ears, this is not a good thing.

Credit where it's due, these guys can play their instruments well, but the backing music just rehashes what's gone before in a manner so unimaginative that it would struggle to stand out were it not for the subject matter Taghut have gone for. As for the vocals; sweet fucking christ on a tricycle, but I haven't heard anyone as bad, or as funny, as this Antichrist guy. I can only assume that he was aiming for the disgusted sneer of Satyricon's Satyr or the vocals of the previously mentioned SotM, but it requires a strength of presence to carry it off without sounding like a total twat! I can't understand how a band who are clearly competent muscians can miss the utter fail of the vocals.

Which brings me onto the lyrics. Taghut are one of a growing number of anti-Islamic bands on the scene at the moment, but also take the time to bash Christianity and Judaism. However, it all feels rather childish, and coupled with the woeful vocals the lyrics simply add to the amusement factor, for example

"Building up my tension
Ready to explode
Upon the Holy Qur-an
I shoot my load"
(Ejaculate Upon the Holy Quran)


"Fuck Jesus Christ
Fuck The Christian Church
Fuck Jesus Christ
Fuck The Christian Church"
(Jesus Christ and the Christian Church)

I defy anyone to keep a straight face when the above comes out of the speakers! Also, the Third Reich references jar badly with the rest of the album, they feel out of place when compared to the anti-religious themes of the rest of the album.

If you want a good laugh, then this album provides in spades. Otherwise, this is nothing that hasn't been said before, with greater skill and maturity by others. If you were drawn to this band by the anti-Islamic sentiments, then I recommend you check out bands such as Ayat instead.

30/100 for being able to play their instruments and amusing the hell out of me, but they need to develop their own style, or at least get someone else in vocals!