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Eyes of Ligeia > A Fever Which Would Cling to Thee Forever > Reviews
Eyes of Ligeia - A Fever Which Would Cling to Thee Forever

An Album Which Would Cling to Thee Forever. - 100%

PaganWinter_44, April 8th, 2007

Eyes of Ligeia has surpassed the limitations of doom metal in this album. The newer material hasn't been able to keep the same title as "doom metal" because the band decided to be different. This album isn't your average doom metal that only serves to feed depression and desire of suicide. This is an album that combines the melancholy of doom metal with the darkness of black metal.

The guitars in this album are very well distorted. They are not so distorted that you can barely make out the riffs. The production manages to keep the same atmosphere as any heavily-distorted guitar work but uses enough common sense to keep it to a respectable level. The bass and drums are together in their kicks, something that not many bands can accomplish. Though the bass is following the guitars, big surprise, it makes all the difference when they line up with the drums. All of this added together presents a more powerful beat to the whole album. There is not a moment in any song where the band doesn't stay tight in their rythem.

The vocals are produced in a way that makes them sound like an echoing scream of agony. This effect adds to the doom metal melancholy. In a way, the vocals remind me of Nyktalgia and Sterbend, except not so high-pitched. These vocals, when added to the occasional moments when someone would strum the guitar in a keyboard-like way, allow for a greater sense of sorrow and horror.

I highly reccomend this album to anyone who is looking for a change of pace with doom metal. If you're a die-hard fan of your everyday doom, then you may or may not appreciate this. This isn't the type of doom metal that makes you want to slit your wrists. This is truly a work of art.